When should you hire a vehicle hauling company?
When should you hire a vehicle hauling company? – Thanks for reading another blog article by CarPilot Transport. We wanted to answer the question ” When should you hire a vehicle hauling company? ” – we hope you enjoy reading this and find the information useful. So let’s jump right into it.
If you’re moving a long distance and you have a car, you have several options to get it to your new home. First, you could drive the car yourself. Second, you could also try to sell the car and buy a new one at your destination. Third, you can try to tow it behind your moving truck on a vehicle trailer. (Poor Bummers.) Lastly and what we recommend doing is you can and should ship your car professionally.
In this blog article, we will focus on the costs and benefits of shipping. While towing your vehicle yourself can save you hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars, the convenience, and safety of professional shipping service are well worth the money if you can afford it.

So, when should you hire a vehicle hauling company?
Well, the answer is simple – a professional’s vehicle hauling trailer is used to haul cars long distances. Yes, there are a lot of differences between to think about when making this choice. One do you have the right trailer, hauling truck, experience, insurance, and dedication to get it from point A to point B? Do you have a young family or elderly family members to consider during the trip? These are just two basic questions to think about.
Now – we at CarPilot Transport have the experience and take into consideration the design of the trailer versus the car being hauled. Also, the maximum load capacity for pulling the trailer with your prized ride and what security features are needed to keep it safe and undamaged.
On a vehicle trailer, all four tires rest on the trailer. If you want to keep those miles off your tires and save money on needing to replace them sooner. Hire a vehicle hauling company. Furthermore, vehicle trailers can usually carry more weight which is 5,290 lbs. or greater based on the specifications of the trailer model. It is also important to note, that vehicle trailers offer one extra security feature that makes them a little safer: automatic brakes.
Next, let us take a look at the damage your car can get exposed to if you are not using a professional hauling company.
Here is a shortlist of things that you could literally run into:
- flying rocks
- trash
- tire treads from other vehicles on the road
- deers and woodland animals
- and yes anything else being tossed up by other vehicles.
While your moving truck might shield it from some of this debris, your car could still get a rock chip, some scratches, or worse damage. Of course, road debris can also be a problem when you ship your car on an open transport trailer. If you want maximum safety, we recommend paying for enclosed shipping when hiring a vehicle hauling company. It is more expensive, but it’s the safest way to send your car across the country—and the recommended way to ship a classic or exotic car.
Finally, thoughts on this is an experienced vehicle hauling professional has the knowledge of dealing with swaying, driving with extra weight that most people never take into consideration, and they understand the exact speeds to haul in various conditions and locations. Even if it takes an extra day, you can feel good knowing your prized car or truck has arrived in great condition. And you did not have to deal with all the stressors tied to getting from point A to point B with it.
Thanks for reading this CarPilot Transport Blog Article!
Again – Thanks for reading this blog article by CarPilot Transport. We wanted to answer the question “When should you hire a vehicle hauling company?” – we hope you enjoyed reading this and find the information useful. So keep up with us on Facebook or learn more about our company now by checking our home page. Thanks for reading this blog article!